Board of Directors

Janaka Bowman Lewis

UNC Charlotte

Board Chair

I am committed to Freedom School Partners because of the organization’s commitment to educating young scholars through creativity and imagination.

Tara Agnew Harris

Community Volunteer

Board Co-Chair

I have seen firsthand the impact of Freedom School on scholars’ reading and, more importantly, their confidence.

Julius Benford

Year Up

I have experienced firsthand how amazing, necessary, and impactful Freedom School is for children and the communities that support it.

Kimberly Boulware Perry

U.S. Patent & Trademark Office

I am passionate about educational equity and believe all children in Charlotte deserve the opportunity to develop their full academic and social potential.

Ann Cho Taggert

Community Volunteer

I believe that literacy is a cornerstone of education and a fundamental right that every child must have to thrive and achieve their full potential.

Hendrick Ellis

Bank of America

I am committed to Freedom School Partners because early literacy is critical to ensuring children will meet or exceed their full potential academically, personally, and professionally.

Kate Flynn


I am committed to Freedom School Partners because I believe every child in Charlotte deserves access to a joyful, equitable education.

Mary N. Hall

Community Volunteer

The future of our country is dependent on an educated and diverse work force: one that is enriched with a love of reading and dedication to lifelong learning.

Lisa Stockton Howell

Community Volunteer

My commitment to Freedom School Partners (FSP) is based on the belief that children in our community belong to us all and that FSP is a way for us to provide education, build relationships, and have fun together with all our children.

Michelle Harley

Fifth Third Bank

I am committed to Freedom School Partners because children deserve the right to supportive reading environments.

Gigi Harris

Community Volunteer

I am committed to Freedom School because every child in our community has a right to a strong and equitable education.

Mary-Margaret Kantor

Smart Start of Mecklenburg County

I am committed to Freedom School because I have dedicated my entire career to ensuring every child gets the best and fullest education possible.

William Maxwell

Colony Commercial

I wholeheartedly believe in investing in our youth and view literacy as the cornerstone of personal growth and success.

Renia McCauley

The Jed Foundation

I am committed to Freedom School because I believe in the transformative power of reading.

Kimberly Moore-Wright


I am committed to Freedom School because our scholars are the future of the Charlotte community.

Kevin Morgan

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

I am committed to Freedom School Partners because every student deserves an opportunity to maximize their learning potential, and I have witnessed first-hand the positive and lasting impact Freedom School provides for each scholar it serves.

Nicole Pilo

Consolidated Planning

I am committed to Freedom School Partners because I am dedicated to equity in our schools, and I believe every child in Charlotte should experience excellence in education.

John Stevenson

Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.

Freedom School clearly creates a uniquely fun environment for learning, with the potential to have a lifelong impact for our scholars.

Raquishela Stewart

City of Charlotte

I am committed to Freedom School Partners because I believe the programming provided will help to build the future for today’s youth.

Brandon Zeigler

Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro

I have experienced the impact of FSP firsthand as an SLI and seen the transformation that occurs in students, families, and communities.